Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 1

>> Nov 17, 2008

Psalm 23

Not only does God love me, He cares for me.  In every circumstances He is with me.  In the face of difficulty He is my support.  Because He is there I can live with hope.  When I lose hope it is always because I have taken my eyes off of the goodness and greatness of God.


Anonymous,  11/18/08, 2:49 PM  

God takes the initiative to care for me.

Spruill Story 11/20/08, 6:10 AM  

coolest thing is that I will fear no evil, you are my rod and my staff!

Anonymous,  11/21/08, 5:54 AM  

Because the Lord is my shepherd, I will not want. I will rest in plenty. He will lead me. He will restore my soul (hope). He guides me. Even when life is uncertain, I will not fear. He comforts me. He justifies and vindicates me. I will never lose all of these things.

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