Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 7

>> Nov 24, 2008

Mark 8:34-38

There is a trap set for us to pursue the less valuable things. As I pursue God I gain all I need and more even though my culture and surroundings suggest that the sacrifice of following God is too high. I want to experience all God has for me so I will pursue Him at the sacrifice of all else to the best of my ability.


Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 6

Psalm 121

The Lord is always watching over me.  He works on my behalf.  He desires and works toward the best for me.


Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 5

>> Nov 21, 2008

Philippians 2

Following Jesus is completely dependent on a spirit of humility.  The more I become like Christ the more I develop a character of humbleness in every way.


Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 4

Mark 12:38-44

God is not worried about the "amount" of my offering because He has all the resources necessary.  He wants my heart to be in a place that will allow me to give what I have at a sacrificial level BECAUSE I love Him.  He does not want a heart that is on terms and conditions.


Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 3

>> Nov 20, 2008

2 Samuel 6

David is a lot like me.  When God does the things I want, in the way I want it is easy and natural to celebrate Him.  When, however, He does things I do not like celebrating Him is much more difficult.

I also notice that where the presence of God is there is blessing.  In order to have the presence of God it comes at a price.  There are expectations to be met, obedience to be kept and trust to be given.


Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 2

>> Nov 18, 2008

Colossians 1

I am struck by Paul's prayer to walk worth of our calling.  My prayer for our church is that we would be a church that truly reflects the glory of God.  In saying that I am aware that at the simplest level in order for our church to be this reflection I have to individually walk worthy of my calling as do you.


Seven Day Challenge #5 - Day 1

>> Nov 17, 2008

Psalm 23

Not only does God love me, He cares for me.  In every circumstances He is with me.  In the face of difficulty He is my support.  Because He is there I can live with hope.  When I lose hope it is always because I have taken my eyes off of the goodness and greatness of God.